Friday 4 April 2014

The Positive Destruction of Books

Isn't it lovely?!
I love reading. I read everyday on the bus and in the metro. Sometimes I read in the bath and, yes, sometimes my books have to dry out afterwards on the radiator. But what can I do?

The point I want to make is that reading is not something I do in a comfy reading chair in the corner of my personal library (although a girl can dream). I read out and about and therefore I am a Believer in the Positive Destruction of Books. I know it is a controversial subject amongst my bookworm friends, but I break the spine. I'll do it almost immediately, and will keep breaking it the whole way through until the final page. I shove big books into small bags and the pages become dog-eared and a little bit dirty. To me, if I have destroyed a book, it means that I loved it. It went everywhere with me and I manhandled it in every way possible and now it will take pride of place on my bookshelf with the other worn-out books.

My current read, my amazing library card, my next read
I think this stems from my mid-teenage years when I didn't like reading but everyone else in my family did. So now I prove that I read. Look at this book, "Isn't it well read", they'll say! It doesn't make much sense but I think my books are beautiful. It is clear to the eye that I've pulled out each word, and the characters have been forced to come everywhere with me, the cover has been fused into my hand and crushed under the pressure of my need to get to the end. I destroy books, but positively.

Are you a spine-conserver or a spine-breaker? I am having to be careful now that I have a library card, but I'm sure the librarians will understand! Thanks for Monika, for bringing this up over cocktails on Thursday, it's always nice to be reminded of the awesomeness of reading!


  1. I'm a spine-conserver, but still a total book lover. I have way too many of them but can't bear to part with any. I reread books all the time so I need to keep them forever. What I hate is not being able to remember if I bought the book or got it from the library when I want to reread one. Glad to discover your blog!

    1. Thanks Gloria! Spine-conserving takes serious control so I've got to respect that! :p I love rereading too - changes a book completely!
